However, if you’re considering Seismic as your Sales Enablement solution, 

Here are the things you’ll be missing out on:

Extensive “plug and play” integrations.

The Modern Marketing team thrives on process automation. 

Paperflite collates all the data you need from your content and populates it into your Marketing Automation Platforms (MAPs). This enables you to run automated sequences and workflows to prospects and leads based on their interactions (or lack thereof) with the content you’ve shared.

Custom Behavioural Events that Paperflite sends to MAPs allow you to create intricate filters for any automated campaign that your team runs. Ensuring you stay on top of prospects’ minds at all times by leveraging the way your content is consumed. 

Seismic does send data to MAPs but lacks the ability to empower marketing teams with tools to automate processes.

How reps find information they need.

Whether you want your website visitors to consume information easily, or your internal reps to prepare for their meetings easily, Paperflite’s Seek has you covered.

Paperflite Seek has reimagined how your reps can find what they need. Powered by OpenAI, Seek answers all your content queries, engages in contextual

Paperflite’s response: Seek.AI

conversations, and assimilates information from multiple sources within your libraries. Giving you answers, and the assets to back them up - with incredible precision.


Seismic: Traditional Search.

How buyers and sellers interact.

Asynchronous conversations and static commenting are the only ways of collaborating on legacy platforms like Seismic. And remember, our buyer’s attention span has only decreased proportionally.

Paperflite’s response: Engage.

Paperflite’s Engage brings real-time contextual conversations with buyers into Sales Enablement. Sellers can now take control to initiate conversations with buyers at the right time. 

Give your sales conversations a new-age uplift by bringing power to the hands of sellers. 


Seismic: Static Comments 

(other than the award-winning customer service, of course!)
Seismic is a good Sales Enablement platform - if you have resources to burn.
Even if you do have the resources, though, you tend to miss out on integral Sales Enablement functionalities.

With Paperflite, you get to do everything you need and more - all while keeping things streamlined and efficient.

How engagement is tracked.

Paperflite’s response: Deal Intelligence

In a world of data abundance, why burden reps with data that is stale ( think reports). And that’s exactly what legacy tools like Seismic continue to focus on. We say it’s time to look ahead, into the future.

Paperflite’s Deal Intelligence forecasts deal success rates by doing the heavy lifting and breaking data down for you - providing clarity about your deals like never before. 

Suggested actions to push deals over the line or recover deals that are slipping away are automatically surfaced to you based on extensively analysed data points from deal engagement patterns.



Total Revenue


Days Remaining

Seismic: Static Analytics

An intuitive platform.


Seismic has its own university to learn about the platform. That’s how much you need to learn before using it. 
Seismic, for all its granularity with Content access, is often accused of having too many moving parts by its users. Meaning you tend to miss out on where certain content is stored or where certain updates are showcased.

With Paperflite, get all the granular controls, all at your fingertips. Content storage?  Right within the hub. Reports?  All within a single dashboard. Sales conversations? In-depth and always in sight. 

Paperflite’s intuitive UI ensures you never have to worry about losing track of anything within your workflows.
And enterprise sales teams can focus on selling rather than prepping for university again.

Making the shift from Seismic to Paperflite

Is the hassle of switching to a new solution holding you back? We’ll do the heavy lifting and make sure your migration from Seismic is as smooth as possible.

Don't leave revenue on the table because

of Seismic's limitations.

With Paperflite, create ultra-personalised content experiences, get the best RoI on your content, and make content management hassles a thing of the past. 





Schedule a demo to see how Paperflite can help your 
teams have access to enablement content, anywhere, any time.



You’d have to depend on other means and products to create them. Seismic’s interactive 2D mapping module - Tiled, has a host of limitations Namely, restrictive grids, slow performance, a steep learning curve and a dependency on teams to have existing design repositories to maximise functionality. 

With Paperflite, you can create immersive content experiences such as Interactive presentations, landing pages for ABM campaigns, resource hubs for websites and content hubs, partner portals, and more. The drag-and-drop interactive content editor allows entire teams to create interactive content at scale.

Best part? All of these come with focused insights that help marketers drive campaigns.

If you’re trying to figure out how to create resource centers and immersive landing pages on Seismic, we’ll save you the hassle - You can’t.

Interactive content at your fingertips